As an entrepreneur and a brand owner, content is something that is always on my mind. When I founded Write.Your, the first thing I did was to open an instagram account where I shared my tools, tricks, tips and prompts as well as my creative lifestyle. This is the place where I flow, creating content for social media and writing and producing our online writing workshops and sessions.
It sounds like I’m waking up every morning with tons of ideas in my head, simply taking out my notebook or laptop and writing content. Unfortunately, it’s not always this sparkling reality. Even though I’m a creativity coach and a writing coach, I sometimes find myself wandering around my office, looking for morning inspiration.
Today, as Write.Your is now a “team work” and brainstorming is part of our daily routine, it’s much easier. But I do remember the days when I was a lonesome entrepreneur with nothing to write about.
I want to share with you some of my morning prompts that nowadays my team also uses, to write our content daily.
Grab your notebook and pen or your laptop and let yourself be intuitive with it.
Morning reflections
This is a great way to share with your readers your way of thinking and your creative lifestyle. At Write.Your we love to write about our mornings, we take photos of our morning meetings and write about what is on our mind.
Use these prompts to write about your morning
- Reflect on your goals for the day. What content do you need to create to move closer to achieving those goals?
- Write about one thing you’re grateful for and how it influences your creative process.
- Think about your upcoming meetings and tasks. Is there something that excites you?
- Reflect on one thought that inspires and push you forward today.
Share these thoughts and include pics from your morning routine or office space. Let your writing be easygoing, don’t try to teach anything, just share your thoughts and reflections like you would share them with a good friend.
Personal stories 1:1
Stories are the way to connect, for sure. Whenever I want to share my knowledge with my readers I ask myself what kind of story I can tell that will resonate with them and help them get my point.
Use these suggestions to write and share stories
- Share a personal anecdote related to your creative journey or entrepreneurial experience.
- Write about a challenge you’ve overcome and the lessons you’ve learned from it.
- Write about a meeting you had that inspired you and what you learned from the person you met.
- Be nostalgic. Is there any childhood memory that reflects your message?
Be specific with details. Write and describe people, experiences, places and anything else that your reader can close their eyes and visualize through your story.

Industry Insights and secrets
If you are doing your own creative work and have an independent point of view about your field, get writing. I love to read opinions, different approaches and point of views. We all do.
What can you do to share your insights?
- Analyze a current trend or topic in your industry and share your perspective on it.
- Offer advice or tips based on your expertise in your field.
- Tell a story about how you approached a challenge in a cool new way.
- Write about your perspective. Break misconceptions.
Don’t be afraid to state a different point of view and express your professional opinions even though they are not confirmative. This is what makes you unique.
It’s always time for self-reflection
We are all human (well, I hope so) and we have our ups and downs. Don’t be afraid to share your creative process with its good and bad sides. I always write about times when I feel blocked creatively or when I feel challenged with issues. I get so much support and so will you.
Here’s how you can share the bad and the good
Use these prompts to help you get start and write about self-reflections and thoughts that guided you through your day.
- Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur, at your job or as a creator.
- Set intentions for improvement and outline actionable steps to achieve them.
- Write about processes and document them. Share your progress.
Being authentic is being open as a human being. Writing helps you connect with others through being open and honest. It’s the best path to real connection.
Inspiration Sources and lifestyles
I love to share my cultural inspirations, even if there’s no connection to writing or coaching, my fields. I write about design, fashion, art shows, books, lectures, workshops, movies, food and even our favorite house plant nurseries. It gives us at Write.Your a chance to share and give inspiration as creatives living a creative lifestyle.
A few ideas that will help you describe your lifestyle and inspirations
These prompts are only suggestions so keep your mind open and your own creativity juices running. Even a quote from a book you loved can make your reader feel inspired.
- Write about a book, movie, or piece of art that has inspired you recently.
- Share quotes or passages that resonate with you and explain why they’re meaningful.
- Write about your daily habits, loves and hobbies
- Write about experiences in other fields of your life and ask yourself how they connect with your professional field.
These are only a few suggestions that can help you kickstart your daily writing and sharing routine. What I mostly want you to take away from this article is the idea of opening up through your points of view and your lifestyle. You can use our Write.Your magazine and instagram page as your inspiration.